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Enlightening the world through

the beauty & excellence of

hand crafted leather goods.

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Who is LUCE?

Who is LUCE?

LUCE Design & Boutique, LLC is named in honor of Chiara "Luce" Badano. Chiara Luce has been an inspiration to Ms. Grifka for several years. Chiara Luce died at the age of 19 in 1990 - after years of heroically battling bone cancer. In faith, she accepted God's will in her life and chose to be positive in the midst of great suffering. Chiara said, "I have nothing left, but I still have my heart- and with that, I can always love."

Chiara radiated light in the darkness. Appropriately so, her name "Luce," means Light in Italian. At LUCE Design & Boutique, we also desire to be a light in the darkness.